Wednesday, April 16, 2014


This weekend we went to PA to visit Great Grammy, Grammy and G-Pap, and Nanna and Pap Pap.  We also celebrated Emma's 10th birthday and Luke's 7th.  

Emma blowing out the candles on her Dairy Queen ice cream cake

The girls in the car, listening to "Frozen" on the movie player

Frank with his new fishing vest!  He also got a fun tackle box and fishing rod

Emma opening her Lego high school. She also got a new jewelry box, a marshmallow shooter, and a dress with kitties on it.

Emma at home on her birthday - she didn't want a party this year, instead we went to the Sheraton Hotel in Roanoke (just the two of us) for one night. She wanted to spend time with me and I couldn't pass up that offer. We had a great time watching movies, swimming, and eating candy.  I can't believe how much sugar she is capable of eating!

Luke also got a cool hat with a light on it.  He also got a marshmallow shooter (Amelia did too!) and a flying saucer toy.  

Emma's Story

The Worst Day Ever     
I went to sleep with gum in my mouth and now it’s in my hair.
My brother and sister finished the Cocoa Puffs and all that was left for breakfast was oatmeal. I hate oatmeal.
 I missed the bus and I forgot to do my report on Abraham Lincoln. Who needs Abraham Lincoln?
I was late to school and I learned that music would be cancelled because of Social Studies. I hate Social Studies.
I failed my math test. I hate math.
At recess I tripped and broke my glasses.
At lunch all my mom packed was a peanut butter sandwich. I hate peanut butter sandwiches.
After school when we went to the store my brother, Luke, pushed me and I scraped my knee.
I called Luke a “Meanie” and my mom said no TV. She also didn’t get treats for my lunch.
For dinner there was spaghetti and I hate spaghetti.
I stepped on a broken radio and my foot bled so much that when I held it over the toilet the water turned red!

Today was a terrible day but maybe tomorrow will be better.

Amelia's Story


Once upon a time there were three kids out in the forest. It was cold and rainy and there were two girls and one boy.  The oldest was 12 and that was the girl.  The second girl was 10 and that was the second girl.  The boy was 8 and the oldest girls’ name was Belle.  The next girl, her name was Abbey and the boy’s name was Fred.  The kids were lost but then they saw something in the bushes.  Something came out.  It was a wolf and they ran as fast as they could but they didn’t know where they were going.  Then Fred wasn’t very fast so Belle picked him up and ran as fast as she could.  Then she saw a fire up ahead.  She ran really fast then when she looked behind her he was gone.  Then she ran for 10 minutes and she was at the fire which was at the store.  She went inside and asked if he had maps.  He said no.  So then she asked if they had a place for them to stay.  He said yes and then they went in the place and slept.  In the morning Fred was gone.  They went outside.  Fred was being dragged by the wolf that was chasing them in the forest.  Then they ran after him.  The wolf went back in the forest.  Then he dragged him in a hole then when Belle and Abbey went inside the hole there were a bunch of wolves.  The wolves saw Belle and Abbey.  Belle and Abbey ran out of the hole.  They were still chasing them so they ran even faster.  Then they ran into the store and they told no one to go out of the store because there were wolves at the door.  So they locked the windows and locked the door.  Then they took guns and swords and when Abbey looked out the curtain shade the wolf jumped up at the window.  She fell backwards but Belle caught her.  After 3 hours they checked again.  The wolves were gone so they went out.  The wolves were hiding so they wolves jumped up on them but they kicked them off and ran back inside.  Then the wolves got so tired, they looked for more people.  So they ran out into the hole.  There were only two wolves so they picked them up and threw them.  Then they got Fred and then they ran back into the store.  Then by that time it was night so they went to sleep.  In the morning they found a map in the store. Then they went through the forest and found their home. The End.

Luke's Story

This week is spring break so the kids are home from school. When I came back from BSF this morning, they were all writing stories!  Here is Luke's story:     

Once upon a time there was a Tub.  The Tub was very happy with Ma and Pa Tub.  But one day little Tub had to go to school.  Then the school bus picked him up.  Then he ran to Ma and Pa Tub.  The End.