Thursday, September 27, 2012

Miscellaneous Pics

Here are some fun pictures that show how we are spending our time:

Emma making a masterpiece outside on the picnic table bench.

THE FORT - it is still up today.  There are Christmas decorations hanging from the tree, sticks making a fence around it, a firepit, and a box of toys.The kids spent about 8 hours on Labor Day creating the fort.

Of course this sign does not apply to Luke.

I don't know what Luke was thinking here.  He wanted to wear his huskies as a belt?

Luke's first day of soccer!  He is SO fast on the field.  During the first game he was blocking the net and tearing across the field to try to get the ball.  He made two goals in the 2nd game and another two in the 3rd game.  There is a slight problem with his team - he is only one of two players who actually understand how to play soccer.  So most of the time it's 5 on 1 :)

A late surprise bloom from my hydrangea plant!  The previous blooms were all pink/green so this one was a great surprise.

I don't know whose idea this was - but somehow Luke and Amelia found matching pajamas and thought it was hilarious to dress alike.  I love blackmail pictures :)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

First Communion

Today was a very special day in our family, Emma was admitted to the Lord's Table at Providence Pres. Church.  She prayed to receive Christ in her heart at the young age of 3, this past spring she participated in a Communicants class to learn more about communion and she memorized the Lord's Prayer and the Apostles Creed.  The elders then met with her to talk about her salvation.  She was the first person to be newly admitted to the Table at Providence.  She was allowed to choose a worship song to sing during the service and she chose "Prince of Peace"; she likes it when the men sing one part and the women sing another :)

 "For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes."  1 Corinthians 11:26

I love that verse.  The idea that every single time we partake in the Lord's Supper we are proclaiming His death, believing through faith in what He did on the cross.  And His people have been doing this for thousands of years.  We will continue until "that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom." (Matthew 26:29).  

For Emma, she was already saved before today's service.  She had already received forgiveness, His righteousness, His justification, and His grace.  Today she got to affirm that she has trusted only Christ for her salvation.  His body - the bread.  His blood - the wine.  How can we stop being thankful for such a sacrifice?